I feel better when I'm organised, but I don't often find time to be as much so as I'd like.
One thing I try and do is write a menu plan every week. I do it because of finances and to save myself the daily torture of deciding what to make. I certainly spend a lot less on groceries if I'm only buying to a menu or a list, rather than to my fancy on any particular day. The downside, I find the effort put into writing a menu/list challenging some days/weeks and I also like cooking what I fancy on any given day.
For now, my weekly menu/shopping list, and I write for the amount of days deciding on the day what I fancy, is:
1. New York steaks (marinated sirloins) with potato & spinach dauphenoise & garlic g/beans
2. Italian meatballs (already in the freezer) on linguini with fennel and orange salad
3. Homemade chicken parmas with brown rice and green salad
4. Zucchini and feta fritters with roasted cauliflower salad
5. Caesar salad with pancett and a poached egg
For the record, no, my children won't eat all of this - theirs will be a modified version of most of them, decidedly plainer. One day though, one day, we'll all eat everything together, without modification.
Now, I'm starving, I have to go eat ..... a bagel!