My mum doesn't wear a lot of make up, neither do I. My mum always made her own bread, so do I. Most things she and I cook we make from scratch. When I grew up whenever there were biscuits in the house, they were homemade, ditto for cakes and other treats. I remember we would occasionally have a packet of Tim Tams and being allowed to have one as a treat. It's not that weren't allowed that sort of thing, just that we didn't have them.
I can therefore well understand the appeal of a packet cake mix. When everything is made from scratch a packet mix seems like some kind of wonder - everything in a box! Ella mentioned to me a few times last week that there were cakes in boxes that came with the icing in them, ready to eat! So, today at my parents we made cake in a box, covered it with premixed icing and topped with baby m&m's. You know what, I'm not so fond of chocolate desserts or treats, but I do love a piece of packet chocolate cake.