How does one become a food stylist? It's one of those professions that I think is somewhat exotic, mainly because it seems so unattainable, something that an elite few do. I base that on nothing whatsoever, aside from my own, sometimes warped, ideas. It's one of those vocations that I wish I'd known of to consider when I started working. Of course my 17 year old self didn't really give much consideration at all to what I wanted to do, let alone consider arranging food for a living. That teenage self seems so terribly young and uninformed now.
At times my 40 year old self wishes I'd realised sooner the things I'm good at and that I enjoy, but honestly I think more than anything I believe in time and place. The things I have now are only here because of what's come before. I really don't regret decisions once they're made, perhaps I really believe in destiny...

Very ripe nectarines and plums equals a delicious tea cake.
Very ripe nectarines and plums equals a delicious tea cake.