As I was cutting out the paper pieces for the invitations last night I asked my significant other why it is he thinks I make things rather than buy them. I obviously enjoy the process, but I could also buy something that would be as enthusiastically received by the children. I tend to under value the things that I produce, my cooking, my crafts and at times I even wonder if others think I'm trying to show off. Is there a tendency for those who do just buy things to think that those of us who make things are trying to be too clever?
I guess I feel that the effort I go to for birthdays and special occasions is an indication of how important they are to me. Having said that, I don't mean to infer that others who don't insist on doing anything themselves care less, so I guess it comes back to pure enjoyment. Mind you, at the last moment when you're still icing the three level castle cake with turrets, a moat and trees, I had to remind myself how much fun I was having.
This year our invitation list currently stands at 25 children, many more than in past years. I think I'm still a new mum in that respect as I've included the birthday girl too much in the discussions - hence everyone is being invited. I may have to consider restricting who comes as this party will be held at home and if the weather isn't nice it could be very stressful trying to host all the games in our small home.
I still have to write on the invitations and attach the tickets nan kindly found for us and then move on from there. Signs to paint, games to make, temporary tattoos and good face paints to find. It is fun and although it's a very short 2 hour period it's like a wedding isn't it - all that planning for something that's over so quick but the memories last you a lifetime.