Saturday, December 11, 2010


Our babe has very busy hands. She's big into cooking at the moment, although not all of it is edible. She's fond of making new recipes which involves taking anything that tickles her from the pantry and combining it with water. We've had spicy sauce to dip your chicken in, we've had cockorache soup and all sorts of unnamed delights. Of course they go in the fridge until bedtime and we eat them while she sleeps. In the morning we compliment her on their deliciousness.

A really easy, and edible recipe, is to make her a cup batch of bread dough (which I do almost daily) and she adds to it - coconut, hot chocolate powder, apple slices, lots of cinnamon. I don't consider all edible, but amazingly Ella eats them all, enthusiastically!


Helen said...

Hi Victoria,
Looks like little Leila has found a creative outlet!
I think that's terrific and a real confidence booster for her too! Especially since she thinks it's sooo good that she'll eat it!
I think you're brave too, to allow her almost free reign of the pantry - and pretty clever to come up with the bread dough trick.
Keep up the great work!

Sarah said...

I love your Ginger Bread house! We are doing our early next week. Boys make their own patterns and I cross my fingers that they will work and they always do! Maybe Engineers in the making like their daddy!