Friday, August 07, 2009

The kindness of strangers

After my last post I received a lot of lovely, encouraging comments - thank you so much. One comment I received was from Leonie. Not only did she encourage me, she was also so sweet as to send me 3m of a grey homespun she has an oversupply of to use for my mock up dress (what's the proper term for this pre good material dress?)
I know a lot of us have had experience of the generosity of strangers via this blog experience of ours. PIF's, giveaways, sharing of supplies and items you think others would like, it's so nice, don't you think. It's not the items so much, as lovely as they are, it's just the thinking of others, the consideration of it all - not to mention the expense if only in the postage. So thank you Leonie, for your generosity and to everyone for being so nice!


Christie said...

Now you HAVE to make it

PS it is called a toile, pronounced twahl

Leonie Guld said...

No problems at all, I'm glad I could help x

Kellie H said...

so nice!!
I know...that's one of the reasons I love bloggin'