Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'm not so fond of sweet biscuits, although strangely the occasional double dipped tim tam seems to fit into another category altogether. I prefer fruit cakes, coffee style cakes and biscuits that are a little sweet, but preferably with nuts over chocolate. Leila isn't fussed about sweet things and Ella can't have any nuts in her lunchbox biscuits because of all too prevalent allergy problems at school. So these are really just lunchtime biscuits and I'll make something else for my consumption, they're from one of mum's old recipes, probably from the UK Good Housekeeping, I love the crackles on top.

I love the "cookie of the week" over at A Friend to Knit With and think I'll give the lemony snickets a try.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Yum! You've inspired me to make some cc's tomorrow. Love 'em. xx