Sunday, August 12, 2012


When someone is with you, when you can call them whenever you like and catch up for a meal, you measure time in one way.  Once someone has left you and life continues without them, I've found time is measured very differently.

I didn't know you could love someone more fiercely once you'd lost them, that time, distance, absence alter those emotions not one bit.  Pain can be as fresh one year later as it was on that day.  It's a real thing, loss, it feels so substantial at times that the weight of it can steal your breath.

Geoff gave me a card this morning, trying to find a way to recognise the day.  He wrote I still think of him, he was a good man and I know your loss is profound.  He's so right, he was a good man, he really was, and so sorely missed every day.

I love you.


Sandy said...

Thinking of you!

Julia said...

Oh hon. So well expressed. Tears here. x

Kristi said...


Mercie said...

oh love, i have thought of you so often. i was just sitting down to write a post of my own about loss and how the passage of time, at least for me, has only made my loss more profound. i'm so sorry. this is beautiful.