Monday, April 18, 2011


Oh and to add to the last minute stress last night I made my own tortillas.

I've been wanting to do this for a while and it was surprisingly easy. The cooking them at the last minute for 16 people part was a little bit challenging, but we got there. They're delicious and I'm looking forward to trying them as I saw in the recipe, topped simply with a fried egg, some avocado and chilli.


Jo said...

oh, you have a press! so cool... and much easier than rolling them out by hand.

Angie said...

They look amazing!

So much yummy goodness in your blog of late.

Sarah said...

uwww I need one of those machines!

Rolling them can et a bit much here!

Sandy said...

yes, amazing! the tortillas look so fresh and yummy.

Anna said...

Oh those look delicious! I've never made tortillas before, need to try it! And yes, with a fried egg sounds YUMMY!