A challenging weekend is almost over, but I feel like the challenges themselves will hang around for a long while. We returned to Beechworth as a family this weekend, for my eldest brother's birthday gathering, the first time since we lost Mike, approaching four months ago.
My parents lived in Beechworth for many years, I did also for 18 months between overseas trips. It's a town I've always been very fond of, but it seems different now.

We rented a house with my parents, the same one they had booked and stayed in with Mike for a few days a couple of weeks before he passed.

We had a family lunch, the remaining family all together, but it wasn't the same. I know it's not meant to be and I know that eventually you must get used to the new normal, but it was so challenging, the balance was just off.

Two separate but extremely hurtful comments have left me so very very wounded. Neither of them were intentionally unkind, but my oh my, both cut me to the core in very different ways. I'm trying to let go of hurt, to not make unkind words my issue, but unfortunately they just do. Empathy is so essential, not just in times of loss, but it's a characteristic I value very highly, at all times, in all people. The ability to put yourself in someone elses shoes, to consider not just your own perspective, your own wants and needs, but those of others above your own, well I don't know if there is anything I value in myself, or others, more.
As should be the case though, the girls had a lovely time. My brother arranged a treasure on their property and they were thrilled with what they found.
Let's all be kind to each other this week. To ourselves, to those we care most about and those we know little about.