Some months ago a friend lent me a book. I hadn't heard of it before, knew of the writer only because of other events in her life, not for her work as an author. I'm so grateful, however, that someone who hasn't known me so long, read this book and thought of me when they did so.
I cannot recommend it to you highly enough, to the women who are reading, for although it applies to us all it really is a book by a woman about and for other women. It's also a timeless book, written in 1955 and yet so absolutely contemporary.
I am not at all religious, but I believe greatly in the power of the heart and of the individual will. Writing those words it sounds a little, I don't know, a little worthy, but having read this book (twice), I will return the one I have, but have also ordered my own copy, for this is a book I will refer to for many years to come and give to my daughters also.
This book is about life and love, relationships with family, partners, friends and children. It's about balancing life and how torn we are (and also were in the 1950's it seems), how we're constantly struggling to get it right. It's about how to maintain a healthy spirit. It's not preachy and it's not a self help book. It is, however, wonderful.