Sunday, August 29, 2010


I realised how much of the year has actually passed when a friend from school asked if I'm making dolls for the Christmas market. I realised that aside from the Poppy dolls for the girls, I have made only 2 lala dolls this year.

So, I thought I'd at least make an attempt at getting onto that. Each doll has 12 pattern pieces in the body and at least another 6 pieces for knickers and dress sets - that makes 18 pieces per doll. I decided I'd try to be organised and work on a half dozen batch at once - that makes 108 pieces. I'll be cutting for a while.

I thought I'd get a head start today with the little one not so well. Tonight, after a very quiet day I'm pretty sure she has an ear infection and the start of conjunctivitis. Have to set the alarm early tomorrow to be one of the first on the phone to the clinic - fingers crossed they get us in early. Poor babe, always so brave, but very obviously suffering tonight. Thing there may be another night on the floor ahead for me - have to say it's wasn't quite so bad now that the carpets are in.


Sandy said...


PlumStitches said...

good for you for getting organized, wish I could!!