In this house we are mad about nuts of all types. Ella adores them and is yet to encounter one she doesn't love. Pine nuts are favoured toasted to simply nibble on, bobble nuts (macadamias) are also yummo, although tricky to crack. At the moment we have fresh walnuts and almonds which are extra fun to shell ourselves.
When we're eating all these nuts I do feel for those families who have such terrible allergies to worry about for their children. I can't imagine how it would be to have to worry about every scenario and the harm that could befall your child. An old colleague of mine had a child with a severe nut allergy - so bad was it that she gave me a tube of gorgeous L'Occitane handcream because she hadn't read the ingredients closely enough and as it contained almond oil that could bring on attack for her dear daughter.
We count ourselves doubly lucky that we have no such worries in this house - goodness forbid that Leila has any issues.